Thursday, August 28, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Acne and Acne Care Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

How to Clear Your Acne For Good
By Chase Michaels Platinum Quality Author

I cannot imagine the amount of money I have spent in the past 12 years trying to get rid of my acne, but it's a lot. Everything from creams to anti-biotics to Accutane had failed me until I decided to just try to clear my acne the all natural way. 3 and a half weeks later, and I had nearly perfect skin with just a few scars. So what did I do?

The first thing I did was alter my diet. Despite what dermatologists tell you, diet is one of the leading causes of acne. Certain inflammatory foods like vegetable oil greatly exacerbate acne. Avoid vegetable oil today and you will be taking a huge first step in riding your body of toxins that release hormones that cause acne.

Secondly, I started exercising. Your body needs the blood to flow for it to detoxify and get rid of all the junk that helps acne form and thrive. Just get a few hours of exercise a week and you will see a big improvement. Try running or playing basketball, or anything else you find fun.

Thirdly, I started supplementing with just a few inexpensive nutrient-dense supplements. One such supplement is called Spirulina. It's one of the best all natural supplements in the entire world and will give your body the acne destroying nutrients it needs to quickly stop acne in it's tracks.

That was all it took. After 12 years just a few simple tips cured my acne, and countless others I have helped out. I promise that if you follow these steps for a month or two, you WILL have clear skin. For all the information you need to know, visit my blog.

My name is Chase Michaels, and I suffered with acne for 12 long years (this includes blackheads and MASSIVE cystic acne on my back, neck, and chest.) My goal is to find the safest and most natural ways to destroy this disease once and for all. Please check out my blog for information on how I finally got clear after 12 painful years.